FIND, Inc. Announces National Internal and External Vice Chairpersons for the Year 2017-2018
August 28, 2017
Trisha Reyes
National Public Relations Officer
FIND, Inc. Announces National Internal and External Vice Chairpersons for the Year 2017-2018
Glassboro, NJ (July 29, 2017) --
On Saturday, July 29, 2017, the FIND, Inc. National Board held elections for the positions of Internal and External Vice Chairpersons. We would like to congratulate the two individuals elected to their respective positions.
National Internal Vice Chairperson: Isa Martinez
National External Vice Chairperson: Natalie Dela Cruz
The positions of Internal and External Vice Chairpersons were recently adopted to the organization and “will not only provide additional support for our Executive Board, but to our Initiatives and our National Directors,” according to Andrew Esmele, National Chairperson.
About FIND, Inc.
Founded on April 11, 1992, the Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue, Incorporated (FIND, Inc.) stands as a symbol to the Filipino and ethnic consciousness presently seen on collegiate campuses. Currently its network actively links over 70 East Coast colleges, universities, vocational, and technical schools.