FIND, Inc. Announces 2018 Fall Dialogue Theme and Logo
July 22, 2018
Contact: Angelique Campo, Chandler Gabagat, Christian Marquez
FIND, Inc. Announces 2018 Fall Dialogue Theme and Logo
STORRS, CT (JULY 22,2018) - - The District II Dialogue 2018 Planning
Board and FIND, Inc. are proud to present the theme of this year’s Fall
Dialogue: “Binhi: Growth Through Action,” as well as the logo for this
year’s Dialogue.
Binhi is Tagalog for “seed.” This year, delegates will be challenged to
focus on past experiences and how these they were crucial in
contributing to one’s development. Like a seed that is planted, this
generation has the potential to blossom and flourish as individuals. FIND,
Inc. challenges delegates to be activists, by taking charge of their lives.
Doing so will better enable delegates to become proactive citizens of the
world. The future is in the delegates’ hands.
The Binhi logo presents a simple yet delicate sprout. When young,
sprouts are identical. As they grow they become beautiful and unique
individuals. The sprout is the representation of today’s rising young
adults, as they will soon be able to harness their unseen potential and
become the next great generation. The logo is encompassed in a speech
bubble, representing the conversations held at FIND, Inc’s Dialogue,
which is the first step for action. As the sprout begins to grow unto its
own, its twin leaves break through the bubble, displaying a literal growth
through action.
For more further updates related to Dialogue, stay connected to FIND,
Inc’s social media
Instagram: @findinc
Twitter: @findinc
Facebook: @findincorporated
About FIND, Inc.
Founded on April 11, 1992, the Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue, Incorporated (FIND, Inc.) stands as a symbol to the Filipino and ethnic consciousness presently seen on collegiate campuses. Currently its network actively links over 70 East Coast colleges, universities, vocational, and technical schools.