FIND, Inc. announces the beginning of its latest initiative, FINDINK
May 8, 2017
Andrew Esmele
National Public Relations Chair
FIND, Inc. announces the beginning of its latest initiative, FINDINK
Washington DC (MAY 8 2017) --
On May 8th, FIND, Inc. announced the beginning of its search for contributing writers. To be introduced in the near future, FINDINK will be FIND, Inc's official online publication featuring articles from student writers. The application period, in order to be a regular contributor, opened on May 8th and will continue until June 8th.
FINDINK's goal is to provide a medium for our delegates to express themselves. While serving as an invaluable learning experience, the publication also aims to build up writers' portfolios, giving contributors practical and tangible take-aways from. Heading the initiative is National Public Relations Chair Andrew Esmele "I want to showcase stories from all over the East Coast. We're spread so far and wide and we don't get the chance to really get to know each other aside from when we see each other for a weekend at Dialogue or Conference, I want us to all be able to connect.”
For one month, FINDINK is accepting applications for regular contributors who’ll be part of the inaugural team, pioneering the publication and helping shape the narrative of Filipino and Filipino-American collegiate students throughout the East Coast.
To apply, fill out: and for any questions e-mail:
About FIND, Inc.
Founded on April 11, 1992, the Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue, Incorporated (FIND, Inc.) stands as a symbol to the Filipino and ethnic consciousness presently seen on collegiate campuses. Currently its network actively links over 90 East Coast colleges, universities, vocational, and technical schools.